Enigmatic Tales is a collection of twenty-seven Jewish stories whose characters live in the world...
The stories in this collection are set 1980's and 90's Ireland. A by-pass around a small village ...
In each story, events make the characters understand that their world is not as it seemed.In Hid...
Initially conceived of as a s literary correspondence between them, authors George Ovitt and Pete...
Connecting The Dots To Shangrila is a poetic memoir of maxims and manifestos, intertwining themes...
The central figure in many of these stories is the psychically wounded World War II veteran who i...
Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke's final collection of poetry, Losing Appetite for Existence, is enormous...
The handwriting didn't look like his. Neither did the hand. It was so thin. And it was shaking ju...
Zdravka Evtimova's novel You Can Smile on Wednesdays focuses on day-to-day lives of three sisters...
Trey Burnes grew up above a funeral home run by his strange and sometimes frightening parents. No...
Scratch the Itchy Teeth is a becrazed carnival ride, the varietal voices of these mind-altering s...
Views that inspire, that calm, or that terrify - all come at some cost to the viewer. In Views Co...