Three friends leave LA in search of something new, embarking on an adventure packed with wild exp...
If the crime is challenging and tangled, it's a proper crime.When Sherry Proper latches onto a cr...
He thought he was through with special ops...But Martin's brother is in jail in Venezuela-charged...
You can just wander into trouble!And when bounty hunter Sam Colder tracks three wanted men, broth...
A Fast-Paced Caribbean Adventure!Martin's hunt for a missing businessman in Puerto La Cruz, Venez...
No good deed goes unpunished.When Martin Billings and Ugly Bill come across a yacht stuck hard on...
A good man on the runFramed for a bewildering array of crimes, including the murder of a friend, ...
Someone wants to kill a SenatorAnd it's a strange crew pulled together under bizzare circumstance...
It's a very bad landing.An otherworldly creature in pursuit of an escaped criminal crashes his sh...
Who can ignore a call for help?Martin can't, but that gets him into a tangle of betrayal, murder,...
Prevented from making an arrest!Sam Colder tracks a vicious man to Magdalena in the New Mexico Te...
What do you do when things go surreal?When things blow up on Matt Cramer, they can be messy. This...