Candy-Coated Unicorns and Converse All Stars is a document of transformations: the possibilities ...
Miriam Nash's début, 'Small Change', is a document of transition; taking in geographical shifts f...
Snorkeling beneath dust and deep, the poems in 'The Dishonesty of Dreams' shapeshift from tender ...
Monika Cassel's attention to detail in Grammar of Passage deftly demonstrates how poetry can exca...
In this precocious first collection, James Byrne explores the transitory process of time, connect...
In 'Catching the Cascade', his long awaited debut collection, Paul Lyalls presents verse that doc...
Desert Sunflowers is a work of broad vision, bold in both imagination and execution. At its core,...
Bold and experimental both in style and content, the poems of 'tunth-sk' have a life of their own...
Somebody has to tell the truth sometime, whatever that truth may be. In this, her début full coll...
'Inklings' demonstrates Sarah Westcott's adaptability, her willingness to extend her voice to sub...
Winner of the Poetry Book Society (PBS) Pamphlet Choice for Summer Autumn 2006, Jacob Sam-La Rose...
'Suckle', Roger Robinson's much-anticipated follow up to 'Suitcase', proves once and for all that...