The Sins of Allie Lawrence is a tale of temptation, inspired by the legend of Black Donald, and s...
After his nightmarish adventures in Mary King's Close in Crow Boy, Tom Afflick is drawn back to E...
Graham Morgan helped to write the Scottish Mental Health (2003) Care and Treatment Act.This is th...
Everybody in the kingdom supports brave knight Leo in his battle against his fearsome dragons. Th...
The retreat of glaciers has revealed a Cold War secret that should have lain buried for centuries...
The year is 1586, and Mary Stuart is sitting in an English prison cell at the end of her life, st...
Happiness Is Wasted On Me is a genre-blending tale that spans a decade in the life of Walter Wedg...
Augusta McAndrew lives on a remote Scottish estate with her grandmother, Rose. She hides from out...
Connor Montrose is running for his life. All that he held dear has been ripped away. Every Wester...
Shortlisted: The McIlvanney Prize 2020. A gamekeeper found hanging lifeless from a tree, near a s...
Set in Mary King's Close, an exciting historical adventure featuring a young boy - Tom Afflick wh...
Four teenagers devise a plan to show people they should never trust what they read on the interne...