The newest addition to the series that includes Hungry for Math, Hungry for Science and Hungry fo...
'Who knows what the gods have in store for us?' Xiao Sheng sang out to his mother every morning. ...
Canadian Children's Book Centre, Our Choice selection.
Canada's forests cover 4.2 million km squared. They are found on wetlands, plains, mountains and ...
Poisonous Mushrooms Of Canada is published by Fitzhenry and Whiteside.
From seed catalogues to greenhouses, public gardens to horticultural societies, you'll find infor...
Canadian Children's Book Centre Starred Our Choice Selection, 2002
Alexander Wolfe is a Saulteaux Ojibwa storyteller and the keeper of his family's oral history. Th...
Describes all of the excitement for children of being on a farm.
2004 marks the 100th anniversary of Tommy Douglas's birth, and the beginning of production of a C...
Students who have mastered calculus, physics, physics, chemistry and algebra all talk of that bre...