In this groundbreaking book, strategy expert David La Piana introduces 'Real-Time Strategic Plann...
Nonprofit mergers are on the rise. Executive directors and board members are discovering the adva...
Making sure that your nonprofit is going to be around long-term requires financial leadership. Th...
This third edition of Collaboration: What Makes It Work-written nearly 25 years after the first e...
THE LIFE STAGE MODEL is a powerful tool for understanding - objectively ? your organization's cur...
Men's violence has been with us for a long time. We've hurt, injured, even killed our wives, part...
Here's how funders are leveraging evaluation to improve nonprofit effectivenessTraditionally, fun...
The step-by-step guide to turning any neighborhood around A weak local economy can be strengthene...
The no-cost way to improve your organization on a daily basis Most nonprofits are already benchma...
Create compelling women's groups that deal effectively with domestic abuseJourney Beyond Abuse an...
Don't Shelve that Evaluation! Use the Findings More Creatively and EffectivelyTraditional use of ...
You've completed the merger agreement. Now, how do you make the merger work? Nonprofit Mergers Pa...