Cardiologist Dr. Ted Fenske is no armchair director when it comes to living out his Christian obe...
How should we think about Christian apologetics in a society where people are encouraged to disco...
The 'Two Kingdoms' controversy has become a matter of increasing scholarly debate in recent decad...
Culture is something we build, something we do with creation; it is the outward expression of a p...
'Behold your King, before Him lowly bend.' The words of this Christmas carol are familiar to most...
The very different meanings of the rainbow symbol in our world reflect a fundamental worldview di...
This is a work of practical theology and cultural philosophy, demonstrating the religious nature ...
The discussion of government actually has to begin with a discussion of worship. It is a question...
Apologetics has often been treated as a 'tool' in the service of evangelism, one that can be pick...
The urge to seek out meaning and purpose in life is part of the human condition; there is a unive...
For a few generations, our contemporary English-speaking church has received sensational teaching...
For several generations, Christians have bought into a worldview that radically separates the rea...