This book examines a number of facets of Western epitaph culture since antiquity, with particular...
This research is based on taped, personal interviews with each former victim. Their backgrounds v...
There has never been a comprehensive survey in English of all the main forms of traditional Japan...
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (1693,1695, 1709)
Attempts to capture the qualities of the fourteenth-century translation of Richard of St. Victor'...
This thoroughly revised and augmented edition of Stevenson's Nimbus of Glory, originally publishe...
The Fleet Prison is noteworthy for being one of the oldest of the English prisons, and one mentio...
Carl Schmitt is one of the most contentious political theorists of the twentieth century. His com...
This study examines Armstrong's cornet and trumpet work during his most innovative period, 1923-2...
Lillian Fuchs has been lauded as one of the first great American violists. Based upon biographica...
The author examines jihad from an historical discursive perspective, taking account of the econom...