A First Nations teen working as a night watchman in a city museum hears strange noises from Indig...
In Spirit Rider, Lillian, with her Kokum, Auntie, and friends, embarks on a journey to uncover th...
'Acts of Darkness' provides a stark examination of notorious criminals and the systems meant to c...
''I spent ten years feeling suicidal but I overcame the depression...I want to give people energy...
Go Ahead and Shoot Me! is a collection of stories by former probation officer Doug Heckbert about...
In this era of reconciliation, Stories of Métis Women explains the Métis Nation from the women's ...
Ross Mackay was the counsel for the accused in the trials of the last men to be hanged in Canada....
Living in the Tall Grass: Poems of Reconciliation
Fifty years in a law profession she loves, twenty-four of which were spent as judge, Nancy Morris...
Far beyond a colouring book, Stop Making Art and Die makes it impossible not to succeed and flour...
We Remember the Coming of the White Man chronicles the history of the Sahtú (Mountain) Dene Peopl...
This topic-by-topic discussion of Trump, Twitter, and the related legal issues, laws, and court d...