In Black Dad Matters, Casey Palmer relies on dozens of dads' experiences to show that diversity's...
A memoir of creative non-fiction comprised of twenty-six letters written in poetic prose, Alphabe...
McGuinty holds up a torch, lighting the way for politicians struggling to be a 'good one.'Politic...
Embrace the chaos and transform career challenges into opportunities. In a world where the only c...
In 1870, Colonel Garnet Wolseley set off for Red River with 1,100 soldiers to end the rebellion s...
The Book of Sam is the story of the unchosen one, a kid with no prophecy to fulfill who ventures ...
'The sensational true story of how a bank robber killed a man in a wild shootout, sparking a nati...
Using inventive forms, Persephone's Children chronicles Rowan McCandless's odyssey as a Black, bi...
Searching for an uncle missing for thirty years, Amanda Doucette traces unsettling connections to...
Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children's Book Award - Winner, Young Adult - High Plains Book Award - W...
In just five years, between John A. Macdonald's and Wilfrid Laurier's tenures, four lesser-known ...
Angeline Jackson stands up to the culture of homophobia in Jamaica by sharing the story of her se...