A unique six-year compilation of British rural news, interspersed with the author's own observati...
From Greek mythology to Olde English legend, they are tales that stir the blood and set the heart...
Two young lovers are menaced by supernatural forces on a remote Scottish island after one is curs...
From the death of a distraught puppy owner, to the demise of a depressed cat lover, this collecti...
A commemorative reminder of the people and events that shaped Britain long before it joined the E...
Rev. John Lamb Prichard spent his life following the dictates of his faith. Originally published ...
After embarking on an 8,000-mile journey through the 13 original colonies and Canada in 1848, Los...
Between 1664-1667, Barbadians led by John Vassall and Puritans from Massachusetts established pla...
In 1854, and again in 1856, Rev. Caruthers published a compilation of stories that spotlighted th...
Cooke's 10 years of research has resulted in a picture of Wilmington, North Carolina, that more c...
Major General Jacob Dolson Cox died before his memoir was published in 1900, but his account of h...