Tender portraiture of the artist's wife and muse set against the backdrop of their honeymoon in T...
A heartfelt dedication to the creator of Outrenoir and his experiments with light reflected from ...
An opulent appreciation of Warhol's complex relationship to women and femininity
Local History brings together rarely seen works from the 1950s through the early 1970s by Enrico ...
This book explores parallels in thought and strategies between Italian Conceptualist Giulio Paoli...
As a self-taught artist who confidently forged her own path, Carol Rama (1918-2015) pursued an in...
Focusing on the recent portraiture of Nouveaux Réaliste protagonist Martial Raysse (born 1936), t...
New York-based artist Joel Shapiro (born 1941) has explored the possibilities of sculptural form,...
Featuring a printed Plexiglas cover, this gorgeous volume celebrates the 100th birthday of 'the p...
This volume gathers poems by Edmund Berrigan, Peter Cole, Brenda Coultas, Erica Hunt, Vincent Kat...
The work of American sculptor and musician Terry Adkins (1953-2014) often started with a theme or...
Accompanying Lévy Gorvy's exhibition Calder Kelly, this superbly produced catalog reveals the art...