For a young woman raised in a disadvantaged community where everyone lived in basic straw huts an...
Yann Baillieu, a washed up hack for La Voix du Nord, the Lille based provincial newspaper is sere...
It was an unexpected knock on a door in England, in 1955, that began a 60-year connection with St...
The Island Queen is a fascinating true tale of an unprecedented pleasure excursion that occurred ...
Oliver Hill was, and is, a maverick. Born to an Establishment South African family - his grandfat...
The author of Beyond Enkription and the rest of The Burlington Files series is Bill Fairclough wh...
Much Ado About Noting provides new evidence concerning the authorship of the works of Shakespeare...
In Pursuit of the Two Legged Mule is the true story of the war waged by Officers of Her Majesty's...
RAMBLES ON THE EDGE continues the story of Wendy's family as they leave Kenya for new opportuniti...
Following Brenda James's discovery of the true identity of the writer of Shakespeare's works, Hen...
'Starting in working-class Glasgow in the 1920s, this is the moving story of one woman's life, an...
'Only the Maker's Name' is a book that tells the story of a boy who became infatuated with aeropl...