This collection tackles the four madhhabs of Islam in a thought-provoking way. Together, the four...
This scholarly work, The African Caliphate, focuses on the establishment in 1809, in what is toda...
Defence Against Disaster -in accurately determining the positions of the Companions after the dea...
Ash-Sh¿fi'¿ said, 'After the Book of Allah, there is no book on the face of the earth sounder tha...
The Muwä¿a' contains a record of the exemplification by the last Messenger of Allah, peace be upo...
Islam in the School of MadinaMufid al-'Ibad, of which this book is a translation, is a summation ...
Handbook on Islam is a manual on how to establish Islam, with understanding, by the famous West A...
The tafs¿r of al-Qur¿ub¿ is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly amon...
Kitab Ash-Shifa bi ta'rif huquq al-Mustafa, (Healing by the recognition of the Rights of the Chos...
This deeply researched and copiously referenced work on the vital subject of the rise of the mode...
Almost unique among the works of Muslim scholars, this book, which for Malikis is THE Risalah, wa...
The Secret GardenThis work is important in that it contains all the principles of the science of ...