It has been said that human history is nothing more than a record of the deeds and ideas of great...
Thomas Jefferson once said, 'If two individuals get together and exchange a dollar, they each wal...
Dynamic Learning is about a revolutionary new approach to learning and teaching. In this book, Ro...
Next Generation Entrepreneurs is the first volume of the Success Factor Modeling series by renown...
Effective Presentation SkillsAt some point in our lives we are probably all called upon to make a...
Skills for the Future are those skills which will allow us to effectively and ecologically define...
Les entrepreneurs sont des individus pre¿ts ä prendre des responsabilite¿s et des risques personn...
NLP II: The Next Generation is about significant new developments in the field of Neuro-Linguisti...
Emprendedores de la nueva generación es el primer volumen de la serie Success Factor Modeling por...
This work presents the application of NLP to a number of important areas including business commu...
Intended to be an overall reference guide to all aspects of NLP theory and practice, Roots of Neu...
¿Cömo llevarle a usted, a su equipo y a su empresa al siguiente nivel de e¿xito?Esta es la pregun...