A dungeon filled with insidious traps, a magnificent imperial throne room, the citadel of an immo...
In the wake of the upheaval to interstellar travel caused by the galaxy-wide Drift Crisis, countl...
Vocalist Shori and guitarist Nozomu are engulfed in a passionate love affair when they should be ...
Scoring a critical hit can turn the tide of any battle, and with this deck of 52 Critical Hit car...
During a titanic battle with a monstrous bug, Chaeun's protective mentor Geumpyo suffers a devast...
The ultimate sci-fi manga returns! In the future, powerful beings known as 'Lucifer Hawks' have b...
Love is in the air as Yohan and Yoonsung become affectionate. Yohan struggles to handle this new ...
'Contains material originally published in magazine form as Centipede Volume 1: issues 1-5.'
'Maleficent, Queen of the Forbidden Mountain! Her realm is shrouded in darkness, and evil, and fu...
'The Boys created by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson.'--Indicia.
Record of Agarest War is an epic, multi-generational RPG where your decisions affect the power of...
Explore the lands of Osirion, Thuvia, and Qadira, ancient nations with fierce traditions born fro...