This collection explores the concept of the Missing Mother from two inter-related standpoints: th...
Mothering and Mother(work) in the Times of Black Lives Matter is an edited collection that sprout...
Gone Feral: Unruly Women and the Undoing of Normative Femininity is an edited collection that pro...
'Today, more and more grandmothers around the world are taking on varied responsibilities and man...
Whereas biomedical and feminist literature treat abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth as differe...
From multidisciplinary perspectives, this volume explores the roles mothers play in the producing...
In postwar Canada, having a child out-of-wedlock invariably meant being subject to the adoption m...
Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood across Cultural Differences, the first-ever Reader on the subje...
?This Life I?ve Bled? is the painfully honest true story of small town girl's symbolically bloody...
While the existence of maternal ambivalence has been evident for centuries, it has only recently ...
How does a parent cope after the death of a child? Each essay in Always With Me: Parents Talk abo...
Performing Motherhood explores relationships between performativity and the maternal. Highlightin...