In modern, beautiful Green City, the capital of South West Asia, gender selection, war and diseas...
In modern, beautiful Green City, the capital of South West Asia, gender selection, war and diseas...
The Abadi Family saga begins when a modern-day Romeo and Juliet story between a Palestinian and a...
Set in the grungy New York City of the 1970s and ‘80s, these stories convey a sense of the enchan...
A complex family drama with a Manhattan family court judge at its center.
In this collection of impeccably written essays, Schwartz tells us early on that she never though...
For readers who loved Hidden Figures and stories about women who succeed as women in realms tradi...
From the critically acclaimed short fiction writer Laura Newman, whose first collection of storie...
In these essays, Toynton remembers her émigré relatives, some of whom left Germany as soon as Hit...
The Greta Garbo Home for Wayward Boys and Girls