In 'The Storm on Sweden,' set on July 17, 2032, a war erupts as Sweden faces an unexpected invasi...
Here's the expanded version, adding more depth while maintaining the same perspective and tone:
For the sake of freedom, a commando from the famed Devil's Brigade is called to bear one last bur...
Adam Duval was struggling in a typical high school in an average midwestern town. It was not that...
The United States as twice as many mass killings than any other country in the world. In 2018, th...
As children in 1918 Baltimore, Annie, an Irish-American girl, and Vince, the son of Sicilian immi...
I was a police officer and special operations soldier for a combined 18 years. I had a loving wif...
The Second American Civil War Rages On!The progressives that overthrew the government are despera...
Why would an innocent person ever confess to a crime they did not commit? Academia has conducted ...
Defiance is not an option. In Community 215, forbidding walls keep the Residents contained and ob...
osephine Wesley is a 17 year old girl who is left for dead in the middle of the Rocky Mountains d...
I am a victim of my own lies, and the doctors didn't stop me. I'm not the only one. I've seen my ...