Each and every news cycle brings inhabitants of planet Earth closer to the Tribulation-the time J...
Reversing Hermon is a groundbreaking work. It unveils what most in the modern Church have never h...
UNEARTHING THE LOST WORLD OF THE CLOUDEATERS is a book unlike any other, one that demands the Smi...
You stand on a battlefield, surrounded by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist.This is a ...
Greek and Roman tales of deities and demigods, what we call myths, are twisted versions of true h...
Unveiling the Ancient Realms of Demonic Kings and Satan s Battle Plan for Armageddon Hell from be...
Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putn...
Book Description:Authors Dr. Thomas Horn, Chris PutnamFor more than 800 hundreds years scholars h...
Millennials. It seems the very mention of the word draws equally passionate and polarized respons...
:The Fight to Reclaim Our Moral Compass Before It Is Too LateCollision Course demonstrates that t...
Behold, I show you a mysteryWhat do the Jewish Feasts, prophetic Seals and Bowls from the book of...
The Book of Enoch was real and revered across the spectrum of Second-Temple Judaism-those forms o...