The acclaimed adult horror manga is now in presented in deluxe hardcover editions in the original...
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The toy juggernaut Masters of the Universe and its subsequent action figure lines featured memora...
The acclaimed crime noir from comics legend Frank Miller is presented at original size with new w...
Board the starship Orville and adventure through space on these new missions set between seasons ...
Dark Horse Books is proud to present the legendary graphic novel that introduced Halo to the worl...
Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Sam Raimi s cult horror classic in this hardcover graphic novel...
The Avatar s adventures continue right where the TV series left off, in this beautiful oversized ...
Even when Big Red was little, he had no shortage of daring adventures. Join Hellboy creator Mike ...
The first Umbrella Academy tie-in series! This oversized hardcover collects issues #1 #6 of You L...
Clan rivalries erupt amid turmoil in an untold story set immediately after the events of James Ca...
Explore the vibrant island of Yara, a nation trapped in time. Dark Horse Books and Ubisoft have j...
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Your favorite Overwatch® heroes' backstories are revealed in this anthology from Dark Horse Books...