A splendid narrative of the author's encounters with the Moslem community in Tripoli and its hint...
Ibn Battuta, the greatest of all the medieval travellers, was in Tangier in 1304. At the age of n...
On the 1st January 1900 the British Nation assumed the responsibility of governing the inhabitant...
Kitab al-izah fi'ilm al-nikah b-it-tamam w-al-kamal : literally translated from the Arabic, with ...
Of all those admirable and doughty Victorian lady-travellers Miss Amelia Edwards is surely one of...
Johann Ludwig Burckhardt (1784-1817) was born in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1806 he first travelle...
'In writing his Introduction to the Arabic language I do no pretend to have performed a work of g...
Tunis, Kairouan and Carthage - the very names conjure up visions of 'a hundred dramatic scenes an...
The Hill of the Graces, first published in 1897, is based upon the results of archaeological expl...
Syria: The Desert and the Sown presents a unique and sensitive picture of the Syrian people whils...
What later became known as the 'Tripoli Enterprise' describes the Italian conquest and occupation...
This book first gained popular success during the 1880s when a blossoming public awareness follow...