Established in 2014, the Conversing with James Hillman series publishes the papers from the James...
Larry Allums, editor Louise Cowan, general editor The community of scholar-critics that brought o...
We might begin by asking why did James Hillman talk and write enough about the city to fill an en...
Gaston Bachelard: An Elemental Reverie on the World's Stuff We are renewed when we follow Bachela...
Conversing with James Hillman 2017 Symposium on Mythic Figures with Seemee Ali, Gustavo Barcellos...
Never has James Hillman's wisdom concerning the splitting of the archetype Senex Puer been more p...
Gaston Bachelard: An Elemental Reverie on the World's Stuff We are renewed when we follow Bachela...
Gaston Bachelard, master dreamer of the elements, animates the waters of the soul with his stirri...