Explores the lasting legacy of the work of the French artist Eugène-Louis Charvot, best known for...
Tells the fascinating story of how, and why, 202 of the world's most iconic artworks toured the U...
A comprehensive study of Dutch Art, from one of the world's premier collections.
Presents highlights of the Taft Museum of Art's exceptional collection, which spans over 750 year...
An expansive collection catalogue that offers a multiplicity of fresh perspectives on recent mode...
Tells the story of the building of the new Hazy Center building at Washington's Dulles Internatio...
An extraordinary book about one of the most remarkable collections of ancient Egyptian jewelry in...
Captures the essence of the Olympic Games through photos that reflect the greatness of the human ...
A full, authoritative study of the life, career, art work, and influence of this leading early-18...
Text by Kerry Brougher, Kelly Gordon, Anne Ellegood, Kristen Hileman, Tony Oursler.
An essay by Aimee Ng, Frick Curator, paired with a contribution by artist William Kentridge bring...
This stunningly illustrated catalogue features more than 26 colour plates of Bell's provocative a...