Great Comedy Films has been written to provide a cross-section of Hollywood as well as British mo...
The Rifleman was a television series that depicted rancher Lucas McCain and his son Mark in New M...
The Invaders, the popular 1967-68 Television show, starred Roy Thinnes as architect David Vincent...
Banacek was a critically acclaimed and popular with audiences TV series that ran from 1972 to 197...
Drama films are serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray re...
The 1963 television series The Sentimental Agent was a British made series starring Carlos Thomps...
This is a reference book on films made featuring the detective Charlie Chan.There are 49 films in...
This is a reference book about the television series Longstreet, which ran from 1971-72 and starr...
This book entitled Van Der Valk: The Series, is the first and only book to deal with all 32 episo...
The Saint, real name Simon Templar, was a character created by British author Leslie Charteris in...
This reference book chronicles the popular and gritty British TV series of the 1970s, starring Jo...
This book is an effort by author Scott Palmer to trace his ancestral roots as far back as he coul...