This new unabridged translation by Alix Daniel, illustrated with audacity by the London artist An...
In the pre-Covid UK capital, Melo, a young blogger and anthropologist, has conversations with Dr ...
Inspired by the fate of Julia and Winston under the watchful eyes of Big Brother of George Orwell...
The Porridge of the Countess Berthe
Sometimes, one's most sincere thoughts and feelings can only be expressed in a letter to their mo...
Something sinister is afoot in Dysael. First, several women go mysteriously missing. Then, their ...
The Rioting of Inferno is a collection of horror short stories by 17-year old E.J. Cousins who sk...
A journey across a dystopian future America following a motocross community trying to escape the ...
Christina Rossetti's classic poem has inspired Alice in The Wonderland. It tells the story of Liz...
Following Cybirdy translation in English of a unique goblin tale from Alexandre Dumas about a med...
In 1930, Jack is grieving the loss of his young son. In an attempt to escape his misery, he chose...