Mary of Nazareth lived a dangerously demanding, yet holy life, She knew loneliness and poverty an...
The Revised Common Lectionary is not just to provide a guide to scripture reading during the chur...
The Revised Common Lectionary is not just to provide a guide to scripture reading during the chur...
If you have ever wondered about prayer and what prayer can mean to you this book can be a guide. ...
Begin your celebration of the Advent season with this meaningful program that weaves together inf...
This Christmas Eve Candlelight Service takes your congregation to the hills and homes of Bethlehe...
'The Pilgrim Road: Signposts On Faith's Journey. Within the psalms, there is a collection of fift...
Requiring no memorization, this drama can be performed by any size congregation. Most of the read...
No one truly knows how vital prayers can be to mental, physical, and spiritual health until they ...
Be Different: Cycle A Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts
The Church Is You and I is a simple but significant Confirmation service and message. The service...
Every congregation should consider incorporating this welcome addition to Christmas resources int...