Two-part treatment begins with a self-contained introduction to the subject, followed by applicat...
A century and a half after the publication of The Innocents Abroad, a modern travel writer retrac...
Rigorous, systematic study by renowned physicist offers advanced students a thorough background i...
The first complete, in-depth study of the origins of division in extreme and mean ratio (DEMR)--'...
This treatment of complex analysis focuses on function theory on a finitely connected planar doma...
The Sultan of Swat's breezy memoirs, rich with recollections of his childhood, his transition fro...
This revised and corrected second edition of a classic on special matrices provides researchers i...
Through the ages, as warfare and competitive rituals became more elaborate, heraldry evolved into...
Twenty-five basic kites are covered in constructional detail: standard two-stick kites; six-point...
Two of the most significant publications in the history of rocketry and jet propulsion: 'A Method...
This survey of operators in Hilbert space offers extensive background material and covers domains...
Algebraically based approach to vectors, mapping, diffraction, and other topics covers generalize...