The Indigenous intercultural theology proposed in this groundbreaking work by Dr. Carmen Lansdown...
In the third volume of the Lyrik Poetry Series, honouring Canada's foremost Mennonite poets, CMU ...
In the second volume of the Lyrik Poetry Series, honouring Canada's foremost Mennonite poets, CMU...
This searching debut collection moves deeply in all directions, coming home to memories inherited...
A collection of groundbreaking essays by a passionate scholar written over the course of 30 years...
In 1973, Hildi Froese Tiessen published the first academic essay about Rudy Wiebe's fiction (incl...
The Albrechts, a childless couple in Mennnonite village of Friedental, adopt a baby girl and late...
An unusual poet from the Baroque period meets 21st century poet-translators in this exceptional b...
Structured around the Christian liturgical calendar, Suffering the Truth offers a series of refle...
In this inaugural volume of the Lyrik Poetry Series, honouring Canada's foremost Mennonite poets,...
A handbook on signs and symbols in the Christian tradition, written from a Mennonite perspective....
This is a collection of superb Arctic and Antarctic photographs exemplifying a unique intersectio...