In this best-friends-to-lovers romance, mistaken identity leads to a Halloween hook-up that might...
Finley, the feared and legendary pirate queen of the realm, has one goal: to break her sleeping c...
In a world shattered by an ancient curse, memory is both a gift and a nightmare...
What if eternal life wasn't all it's cracked up to be? Achy joints, cranky moods, and failing pow...
Eden Aossi, heir to the Summer Court, has everything... except the freedom to choose her own dest...
A Paranormal Thriller with Romance, Shifters, and a Dangerous Conspiracy
Step into the heart of New Orleans, where legends of vampires, witches, spells, and curses are as...
A Life-Changing Encounter with Magic, Romance, and Danger
A Dangerous Tournament, Forbidden Magic, and a Choice that Could Destroy Her World.
In a world shattered by an ancient curse, memory is both a gift and a nightmare...
Ten Lands Divided. One Shattered Past. A Forbidden Magic on the Brink of Awakening.