Dive into the heart of Australia with this blockbuster debut as one woman confronts her past, fam...
COMING IN PAPERBACK! Reuven Fenton's novel Goyhood is a brilliant debut about a devoutly Orthodox...
A powerful exploration of the diverse manifestations of “home”, extending beyond its mere physica...
An intimate and immersive collection of heartfelt letters that capture the essence of romance thr...
A poignant journey through womanhood, motherhood, mental health, and identity, with a unique lens...
Imagine having access to the finest debut poetry from a diverse array of emerging poets, all conv...
A sensitive portrait of a vulnerable yet resilient young woman who, with the help of an inner voi...
Experience a powerful journey of transformation and self-love, told through the evocative words o...
Embark on a journey through the poignant depths of heartbreak, where shattered dreams give way to...
Discover the captivating allure of the Deep South through the haunting and powerful verses of one...
Embark on a raw and intimate journey through love, resilience, and self-discovery with J.J. Celli...
Lily is a tragic and lonely vampire, unwittingly brought into her existence by Ian, a selfish but...