Encounters with an Enlightened Man reveals Linda Quiring's experience in a mental institution whe...
Join Cassidy Callahan in a three part tracking adventure with trouble at every turn.In Part 1, T...
Red Snow is a fast paced action adventure involving a former Army Special Forces officer turned C...
When various members of the Rosanada Archdiocesan Chancery are brutally murdered, Cristian Forte,...
We won't bore you about how great this book is - simply look inside for yourself to find out.Y...
Merlin's descendants, some evil, some not, and some not even aware of their legacy, have survived...
Lanie's a happy woman. She's successful in her business, she has a daughter, and she just bought ...
You're starting a new job the next day, and your best friend talks you into spending your last da...
Emily thought she had to solve all her problems before she could live life to the fullest, and bo...
Cassidy Callahan uses her tracking talents for good, but sometimes doing a good job has bad conse...
Readers say Dr. Gloria Brame has changed their lives. Find out why in SEX FOR GROWN-UPS. The ulti...
The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures (MATS) is a study bible which focuses on the study of the Alep...