Marilyn's world has just been turned upside-down.A criminal action has brought financial disaster...
She was a girl betrothed, looking forward to her marriage, when early one morning a messenger arr...
When Shirley and Graeme Dando were both diagnosed with cancer they began a journey which would te...
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare ar...
God is a consuming fire. He calls out to us, inviting us into a passionate relationship with Him....
One man's journey through the horror of war, capture and incarceration, Michiharu Shinya struggle...
The God of the Bible is alive and active in our world today. Warren Curtis-Smith has captured a c...
What does the Bible really say about childbearing?What are we to think when the blessing feels ...
Esther Paddon is a young octogenarian - she's been around for a few years, but she's not slowing ...
A personal history of Charismatic Renewal in the New Zealand Anglican Church.No Way Back is the h...
As a backdrop for this story, which is a sequel to Shadowed by an Angel, we revisit the small tow...
Encountering God through sanctified imagination...Hearing God speak is the birthright of every Ch...