In this first volume of A Celebration of Faith Series, Steven R. Martins offers a solid apologeti...
The Spanish Brothers is an accurate historical record of the rise, progress and fall of the Prote...
What is apologetics? How are we to understand the apologetic mandate of the church? What biblical...
La Biblia de Apuntes RVR09 posiciona el texto completo de un libro bíblico opuesto a páginas en b...
Speaking to a mixed audience of Christians, religious pluralists, skeptics and inquirers at the n...
La Biblia de Apuntes RVR09 posiciona el texto completo de un libro bíblico opuesto a páginas en b...
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a middle-aged African American, was wrongfully killed by a Minneap...
Is there, or was there ever, such a thing as a 'Christian' Canada? Contrary to what historical re...
El Islam afirma ser una religión abrahámica y una cosmovisión correctiva al judaísmo y al cristia...
Christian apologetics cannot be severed off from the mission of the church, on the contrary, it m...
No hay manera de usar el lenguaje y la lógica no cristianos para llegar a declaraciones, conclusi...
Dios ama a su Iglesia. A tal punto Dios ama a su pueblo, que envió a su Hijo a vivir, morir y res...