Combines a rousing space opera with a first-rate medical mystery. Struggling to rebuild an empire...
Eyre has survived the collapse of the galactic empire better than most of the lost colonies with ...
A race for power and wealth transforms into a race to save the world in Al Onia's debut novel, Ja...
Found naked and alone in a locked room, the beautiful woman was in perfect health -- except she w...
'The eagerly anticipated conclusion to The Steele Chronicles! When Frank Steele retired from the ...
Four dead Borg and counting. Serial killer, gang violence, or civil war? While the Special Detect...
Falling in love with the new girl can be dangerous -- she'll either break your heart, or rip it o...
Features Sam who struggles to cope with Lily's death. As his powers grow, he is forced to choose ...
Shi Jin is a rebel, the latest in a long line of those who have challenged the Borderless Empire ...
Sam and Lily are back together, but Lily craves to be more human and Sam wants to be more ...well...
Discovering a plot to reassert Imperial control over the recently rediscovered Peregrine, Lorn Ky...