In this exploration of the mind's influence on physical health, Ernest Thompson Seton presents in...
The Androids Are Coming is a collection of science fiction stories edited by Robert Silverberg. T...
Qinmeartha and the Girl Child LoChiAn uncomfortably disturbing tale of clashing realities by Hugo...
Earl Leamon developed a line of chemicals effects which tied in nicely with magic. Many are very ...
Penguin Island (original title: L'Île des Pingouins) is a satirical novel by Anatole France, publ...
Collected in Volume One are Tom Swift's first four adventures: 'Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle'; '...
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist and pla...
Why is one mad sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous and propserous and another man po...
Originally prepared by the Fox Meadow School for students learning to perform drama on the radio,...
An A-to-Z of mysticism, black magic, and the occult! Entries range from AARON'S ROD (a magic wand...
Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 3-02C, Marine Combat Water Survival, provides Marine Co...
This self-help classic outlines a powerful philosophy of personal development, emphasizing that g...