The Night of a Thousand Costumes invites readers on a magical journey where every costume holds a...
A Dream, A Ball, A Legacy tells the inspiring story of Braut, a young boy from a small town who g...
Christmas in the Woods follows the unforgettable adventure of three friends-Charlie, Ella, and Be...
Love in the Shadow of the Full Moon is a tale of magic, mystery, and self-discovery.Elera embarks...
The Haunted House Makeover is a magical adventure filled with friendship, mystery, and a dash of ...
The Magic Costume Parade takes young readers on an enchanting journey with Maris and her friends,...
Halloween in the 1940s explores the transformation of a beloved holiday during one of the most tu...
The Haunted Mirror follows three siblings who discover an ancient mirror with dark, mysterious po...
In The Giant Candy Adventure, Mia and her friends are whisked away into a magical world where can...
Step into the eerie world of Whispers in the Dark: A Collection of Halloween Poems, where shadows...
In the quiet town of Hollowdale, a powerful curse haunts the land, tied to the full moon and a my...
Enzo and Maria's story begins with a chance encounter on Christmas Eve while shopping at a crowde...