Time-Traveling Hamster Etiquette: A Goddamn Nightmare is an informative and entertaining guide to...
Book Summary: Step into the apocalyptic playground where mutant squirrels reign supreme. In this ...
Cyborg Panda Culinary Arts: Cooking Up Some Fucked-Up Recipes is a cutting-edge culinary guide th...
Introducing Cyber Llamas: Ethics by Doug Lostdave, a comprehensive exploration of the ethical cha...
Zombie Butterfly Economics: The Definitive Shitshow is a groundbreaking exploration of the fascin...
The Complete Guide to Telepathic Otter Engineering: Batshit Edition is a comprehensive and fascin...
In The Art of Exploding Cabbage Meditation: A Mind-Bending Fuckery, explore the origins, techniqu...
Vampire Werewolf Hybrid Taxidermy: A Textbook of Pure Insanity takes readers on a thrilling journ...
Interstellar Knitting for Psychotic Clowns: An Academic ClusterFuck is a comprehensive guide to t...