Set against the devastation of post-World War II Europe, Sunrise Shows Late is a love story about...
A woman farmer observes with a poetic and appreciative eye the transformation of the plant and an...
The witty first person narrative of a baby boomer's mid-life crisis, set in Baton Rouge, by a 'pr...
Jimmy Dolan returns to his Connecticut hometown to seek the driver who killed his father in a hit...
Surreal, existential love story set in Paris.Charming, cerebral.-Philadelphia Inquirer
Prison friendship, betrayal tale, by ex-inmate. Wonderful bounce, goofiness...So much talent. ¿Th...
A tavern mistress in 1777 unravels a puzzle that involves stolen diplomatic letters, spies and av...
This story of three generations of independent-minded women will resonate with mothers and daught...
House Work is the lyrical history of a family of five in working-class Pittsburgh.
In this highly original, Kafka-esque novel, Smith tries to recruit others to help him solve a mys...
Ready to Fall is a laugh-out-loud look at marriage and mid-life, written in e-mail format. Weary ...
When Alma Bond, a practicing psychoanalyst for 38 years, discovered she was to be a grandparent, ...