Lestrade is deeply troubled. The disappearance of five boys has been left unsolved for almost twe...
Author Val Andrews had two major passions: Sherlock Holmes and the circus, and here he combines b...
Follow Holmes and Watson as they traverse the streets of London and take on cases from the most u...
Rex Harpham's debut novel takes Holmes and Watson to the Highlands of Scotland where in the words...
One quiet evening, Septimus Culthorpe stumbles into 221B Baker Street. He introduces himself as t...
Sherlock Holmes and The Chinese Junk Affair - Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are called upon once ...
Holmes and Watson travel to Paris to investigate the assassination of the French president.Disgui...
Only a few short years ago the monster known as Jack the Ripper held the East End of London in a ...
Dr John Watson welcomed the arrival of the telephone at 221B Baker Street - it would after all, d...
Doctor Watson always speculated about Sherlock Holmes's early life and, in particular, the signif...
Forrage's, the world-famous emporium, and normally a place of wonder and intrigue, has had a shad...
In Sherlock Holmes and The Disappearing Princean urgent telegram from an old friend informs Holme...