Against the backdrop of the rising commercial fishing industry in an Alaska Native village, Under...
In this posthumous collection of essays, Eva Saulitis meditates on mortality, the art of living f...
I wanted to know about the world she had left behind. I wanted to hear about the lions, the tiger...
Pause, Traveler is a journey through the dark heart of the American landscape, from New York City...
''111:1-5 Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and may he perish too; neither his wealth nor what he ha...
A historical and motivational context, as I have been providing in my books on the Koran is impor...
Allah's Apostle said, ''Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords.'' Bukhari 52.739:111 A...
Steam Laundry is a novel in poems based on the true story of Sarah Ellen Gibson, a minerÆs wife d...
Another North is a paean to the material world-food, clothing, cars, and houses, of course, but a...