Nine New Novellas, Part IV is author Jay Dubya's eighth story collection written in the spirit of...
'Pieces of Eight' is a collection of eight imaginative novellas. Themes represented in the work a...
Jay, Deante, Monte, Robbie, and Frankie had no idea that their lives would be turned around by th...
Suite 16 is a collection of sixteen sci-fi paranormal (and humorous) novellas and the work is aut...
Intended for the 7-10 year age group, JOINING FORCES WITH GLORY concerns a protagonist whose name...
THE BOX IN THE ATTIC continues the story of Lily Fain Lawson and her search for a husband and a f...
SOUTHERN LAW JOURNAL is the official publication of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Busi...
One, two, three, four, five, six... 'Hello,' a small voice called. 'Writer, I'm Aaron. Can you he...
THE SEAHORSES is a Saga, evolved from the experiences of its writer; who has shadowed his identit...
Jimmy Sinclair wants his gold-digging wife Kathy killed. He hires a hit man named John Farran who...
Hell's Toilet take you first-hand through Tom Meersman's battle with ulcerative colitis.In his ow...
Last of the Red Hot Poppas is the down-to-earth autobiography of entertainer author...Tito Luv an...