Republic Earth is an educational, social, political, economic and technological ideology that aim...
When Jenni Townsend knew she was getting closer to the average age of menopause, she started to o...
This book is for you if you feel: your life is out of control. defeated and hopeless about the fu...
Know Your Enemy is the sequel to Irregular Safari and follows the same family through two world w...
The alignment of business and workforce strategies is a hot topic in the HR and business domain. ...
There is one indivisible real substance that is absolutely aware. No-one has ever been able, or w...
DIGITAL is Everyone's Business: A Guide to Transition is your ultimate guide to digital. It's cle...
Value: How to Talk about What You Do So People Want to Buy It
In the 1st edition of this book, the authors shared their extensive industry experience to explai...
Being an identical twin meant being treated as a pair not a person, until Julie set out to find h...
He is an Australian businessman with a secret hope that Australia as a nation will count for some...
Synopsis: The trouble with change management is that there is an awful lot written and discussed ...