The story of the Palestinian struggle for liberation is told through the lives of four of Palesti...
Alexandra Kollontai was a revolutionary socialist who devoted her life to the fight for women''s ...
Whilst there are many books and articles on Hegel there are scant few that are accessible to thos...
More than ten years on from the Egyptian revolution of January 2011, Anne Alexander looks at the ...
The spirit of James Connolly looms large in the pantheon of Irish historical figures. It is less ...
An accessible and lively introduction to the intellectual driving force behind early Italian Comm...
Engels was a great thinker who made a massive contribution to Marxist thought in his own right. H...
The nature of the modern countryside as a result of class struggle in addition to environmental c...
The Blood Never Dried challenges the rising chorus of claims that the British Empire was a kinder...
One of the most obscene spectacles of the Trump presidency has been that of evangelical pastors c...