In the words of a man serving a life sentence in prison, 'Daunte's Inferno situates the reader in...
Tacenda is a literary magazine devoted to matters relating to crime, punishment, and social justi...
In the words of award-winning poet Charles Huckelbury: This collection is indeed an elegy, one th...
The short stories, poems, and photographs featured in the Spring 2011 edition of Tacenda Literary...
The works featured in the 2012 edition of Tacenda Literary Magazine contribute to a nuanced under...
Each page of Tacenda 2015 exposes our criminal justice system. Some of our authors have been enta...
In 'A Zoo Near You', Robert Johnson proposes a system that acknowledges the intrinsic humanity an...
The creative works featured in the 2013 edition of Tacenda Literary Magazine contribute to a thou...
In this collection, E.L. reminds us that no matter who we are, or where we are, our words have th...
Charles Huckelbury transcends the bounds of his confinement in Distant Thunder, illuminating the ...
'Callahan, with the subtle grace and artistry of a writer beyond her years, paints a raw and accu...
Tacenda Literary Magazine is an annual literary magazine devoted to matters relating to crime, pu...