Charlie and the Children is a novel about an American soldier who goes to war, fathers a son, and...
Anna Begins is a Young Adult story about a girl in her senior year in high school who has an eati...
The Drum Tower is Farnoosh Moshiri'sfourth work of fiction concerned with the deleterious ef...
During the fundamentalist revolution in Iran, a 17-year-old girl is arrested by the Revolutionary...
Hurricanes is a collection of letters and essays about the human experience of hurricanes. Two of...
These essays compose a compact history of the effects of the war in Viet Nam on American life. Co...
The Confession of Jack Straw is both a political novel and a literary novel of great style and hu...
Moses in the Sinai rewrites the books of Exodus and Numbers by way of The Arabian Nights, Nikos K...
The setting is Tonkin (northern Vietnam) at the turn of the 20th century. A boy, Tai, witnesses t...
In Publishing Lives, publishers from 31 independent presses talk about how they came to publishin...
In the Spider's Web is set in Ash Meadow, a prison for children in Washington State. The sto...