In seeking to avenge his unjustly accused father, young Myles Falworth is knighted and wins the f...
When Jon and his family move from the country to the city, Jon adjusts quickly, and when his moth...
'Each spring for hundreds of years, the herons have returned to Chilham, England, but only now ha...
The introductory material explores the origin, authenticity, theology, and purpose of Ephesians a...
While the Colton family becomes established in their new home and builds a thriving business, Cha...
The Stars Speak: Astronomy in the Bible
Living in a society that pursues and worships pleasure, believers today often struggle with a rig...
From Genesis and Exodus through Job, Jonah, and Daniel, the Old Testament contains major portions...
Taka, a new boy in Jeremy s class, has just moved to the neighborhood from Japan. At first Jeremy...