In 'The Taste of Rain', we follow the story of Amira Cooper, a college student who works part-tim...
Novella, multi-generational, diverse, young adult, college town.In 'The Taste of Rain', we follow...
Novella, diverse, amateur sleuth, female sleuth, clean, small townFinding Home Mystery SeriesBook...
'A Match Made in Murder' is a cozy mystery that combines the warmth of romance with the suspense ...
Clean, cozy, diverse, small town.Amidst the chaos of job loss and the looming threat of homelessn...
Clean, cozy, diverse, small town.Traci Simmons has been fired from another job and must decide if...
Experience the heartwarming journey of Milo, a rising star in the small town of Faucier County. W...
Are you ready for the thrilling sequel to Traci Simmons' story? It's been two years since we last...
When renowned chef Raphael Parera decides to propose to his girlfriend, Harper, a powerful tabloi...
'When a foreign correspondent returns to her hometown, she finds herself caught between a rising ...
'Тајни пожар алхемичара У потрази за еликсиром духовне трансформације '
When a foreign correspondent returns to her hometown, she finds herself caught between a rising p...