Relentless, urgent and above all musical, Russell Persson's expertly crafted The Way of Florida r...
In Mix-Mix, Dani Putney excavates facets of their mixed-race heritage using reformulated text fro...
syndicated in over 900 newspapers
'Dorene O'Brien's stories operate on a different plane and dimension of realism--flesh and blood,...
Set in Chicago, M-theory, revolves around two murders in all of their profundity and anonymity. U...
In The King¿s Highway, cartoonist-philosopher Dicus notes with a scrupulous gaze, wry wit, a touc...
A history of the Basque sheepherders as told through the engravings they carved into the aspen tr...
Taking young readers on an adventure across Arizona's contrasting landscapes, this bilingual boar...
'A startling, excellent, and masterful' debut that 'remind[s] . . . so happily of William Carlos ...
Calamity Jane questions the fate and future of the West by exploring ideas as big as the Great Ba...
God is faithful and he will allow you to be tested, but not beyond what you can endure. Just befo...