Change of Heart is a gripping narrative set in contemporary New York City, where former detective...
After their 23-year-old daughter dies mysteriously in a desert of the West while assisting immigr...
In 'Wrangling the Doubt Monster,' Amy L. Bernstein provides a compassionate guide for managing cr...
Chai on Life is a warm, insightful essay collection by Lorie Kleiner Eckert, blending personal st...
Desperately hiding a scandalous past, Hollywood's newest bombshell is being pursued by two powerf...
When it comes to surviving the joys of parenthood, take Sandi Kahn Shelton's advice: You Might As...
In 1903, five truly brilliant young inventors, the children of the world's most important scienti...
An aging dancer, two idealistic millionaires, and the Queen of Romania come together under extrao...
How does one arrive at a life in politics and policy? What happens to one's ideals when conf...
You think history is boring? Baltimore kid Daniel does -- until a chance encounter with a magical...
Meryl Streep: On the Couch offers what no other biography can: a psychoanalytic perspective into ...